Customizing Eclipse Outline View for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Files

Is there a way to modify Eclipse's Outline view for CSS files? Specifically, how can I make the outline display comments and create collapsible ranges for groups of CSS rules?

  1. Include comments in the outline
  2. Create collapsible ranges for groups of CSS rules
  3. Anything else you recommend?


CLARIFICATION: I am not looking to make code modifications to eclipse. I am wondering if there is a hidden feature that allows this functionality. (for example, adding a CSS comment starting with the word OUTLINE or something similar).

Answer №1

Discovered a clever workaround!

It may not be flawless, but it works...

Implemented a CSS rule like this:

._________________________ CUSTOM STYLES ________________________ {}

Looks great in the outline view.

I imagine that as long as I don't have too many of them, the impact on runtime will be minimal.

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