Hide the 'white' color on visited links and category tags in the WordPress blog page

I created a custom WordPress theme, and I am having trouble styling the bootstrap navigation. I want the text to be white and change to brown when selected. However, my attempts to add a separate class for H1 tags on the blog post page have not been successful.

    font-size: 22px;
    font-family:"Lato", arial, helvetica, sans serif;

a.h1blog:link{ color: #674922; text-decoration: none; }

a.h1blog:visited{ color: #666666; text-decoration: none; }

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have even tried adding custom styles to the preset classes in WordPress without success.



Answer №1

Let's solve this issue:

<h1 class="h1blog"><a href="http://creative-media.info/WarringtonBonsai/test-3/">TEST 3</a></h1>

The problem lies in the CSS rule you are trying to apply to an <a> element within an <h1> element with the h1blog class:

a.h1blog:link{ color: #674922; text-decoration: none; }

To fix this, make sure to target the <a> element inside the .h1blog class like this:

.h1blog a:link{ color: #674922; text-decoration: none; }

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