Modify the background color based on the length of the input in Vue

Can you change the background color of the initial input field to green if the value of the Fullname input field is greater than 3 characters?

See below for the code:

<div id="app">
  <input type="text" v-model="fullname" placeholder="Enter Full Name" @input="changeInitialColor"/>
  <input type="text" v-model="initial" placeholder="On Full Name make it green"/>

Please find the JavaScript code snippet:

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data: {
  methods: {
     if(this.fullname.length > 3){
      console.log('Change v-model=Initial field color into green');
      console.log("Dont change color");

You can also access the code on JSFIDDLE:

Answer №1

To implement this functionality, you can utilize a computed property along with css class bindings

<input type="text" v-model="fullname" placeholder="Enter Full Name"/>
<input type="text" v-model="initial" :class="{ green: fullnameIsMoreThan3Chars }"/>

// --
,methods: { ... }
,computed: {
        return this.fullname.length > 3;

Answer №2

To apply conditional styling based on the length of a variable, you can use either style or class binding. Here is an example using style binding:

style="{'background-color': fullname.length > 3 ? 'green' : ''}"

<input type="text" v-model="initial"
 style="{'background-color': fullname.length > 3 ? 'green' : ''}" 
placeholder="If Full Name has more than 3 characters, the background will be green"/>

Answer №3

If you want to dynamically add a class to an input based on the length of the full name, you can use a class binding in Vue.js.

<input type="text" v-model="initial" placeholder="If Full Name is more than 3 characters, it turns green" :class="{'green': fullname.length > 3}"/>

Alternatively, you can create a computed property to determine if the full name input has more than three characters and then use this computed value as the class instead (which can help keep your template cleaner).

<input type="text" v-model="initial" placeholder="If Full Name is more than 3 characters, it turns green" :class="{'green': fullNameOk}"/>

  computed: {
    fullNameOk() {
      return this.fullname.length > 3

Feel free to check out the working fiddle for reference.

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