Adjust the margin of FormHelperText within a FormControl specifically for a Select component in Material-UI

I'm currently facing a challenge where I need to add marginLeft of 8px to FormHelperText. However, I have not been successful in doing so within the MuiInput formControl rule or in MuiSelect.

Here is the React code snippet:

<FormControl error className={classes.margin} fullWidth>
        <InputLabel className={classes.label} id="demo-error-select-label">
          Error select
          IconComponent={() => <Icon24UtilityChevron component="select" height="20px" />}>
          <MenuItem value="">Select</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem value={1}>Option1</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem value={2}>Option2</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem value={3}>Option3</MenuItem>

The following MuiSelect object overrides default styles using createMuiTheme (details omitted for brevity):

const MuiSelect = {
  select: {
    backgroundColor: selectColors.background,
    padding: '12px 16px 12px 16px !important',
    fontSize: '18px',
    borderRadius: 12,
    borderWidth: '1px',
    borderStyle: 'solid',
    borderColor: selectColors.border,
    '&:focus': {
      borderRadius: 12,
      borderWidth: '2px',
      borderStyle: 'solid',
      borderColor: selectColors.borderFocus,
  selectMenu: {
    '&:hover:not(.Mui-disabled):not(.Mui-error)': {
      backgroundColor: selectColors.hoverBackground,

The following MuiInput object also overrides default styles with createMuiTheme (details omitted for brevity):

This is an example of the FormControl being created (the Error label needs to be moved 8px to the left):
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
const MuiInput = {
  formControl: {
    'label + &': {
      marginTop: '2px',
  root: {
    borderRadius: '12px',
    borderColor: inputColors.inputBorder,
    borderWidth: '1px',
    borderStyle: 'solid',
    '&$error': {
      borderColor: inputColors.inputError,
    '&:focus-within': {
      borderColor: inputColors.inputBorderFocus,
    '& svg': {
      marginRight: '16px',
  input: {
    backgroundColor: inputColors.inputBackground,
    caretColor: inputColors.inputCaret,
    paddingLeft: '8px',
    paddingRight: '8px',
    color: inputColors.inputText,
    borderRadius: '12px',
  multiline: {
    paddingTop: '0px',
    paddingBottom: '0px',
  underline: {
    '&:hover:not(.Mui-disabled):before': { borderBottomWidth: '0px' },
    '&:before': { borderBottomWidth: '0px' },
    '&:after': { borderBottomWidth: '0px' },

You can refer to the visual example of the code (the lower error text is the one that requires the movement):

Answer №1

The issue was resolved by utilizing the specific ~ selector in my code snippet below:

const MuiInput = {
  formControl: {
    'label + &': {
      marginTop: '2px',
    '& ~ p': {
      marginTop: '4px',
      marginLeft: '8px',

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