Header now features an additional slider

I recently noticed a strange issue on my website - I have a slider positioned in the middle of the page, which displays correctly. However, there is also an unexpected duplicate slider that appears at the top of the page. You can visit my site at and observe this by waiting a moment for the duplicate slider to appear at the top.

Below is the HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en-us'>

        <meta charset='utf-8'/>
        <title>Homepage | JC Web and Graphic</title>
        <link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='images/favicon.png'/>
        <meta name='keywords' content='jc web and graphic, web designer, graphic designer, web design, graphic          design, cheap, inexpensive, affordable, awesome, beautiful, vancouver washington, portland oregon,          hotspot, host, hosting, domain, domains, domain registration, cheap, affordable'>
        <meta name='description' content='Web and Graphic Design, Hosting, Domains, and more!'>
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles.css'>

        <script src='jquery-awesomeness.js'></script>

        <!-- Slider Link -->
        <script src='responsiveslides.min.js'></script>

            // Slider Functions
            $(function() {
                    speed: 1200,
                    timeout: 3000

            //Google Analytics
                (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

            ga('create', 'UA-52983504-1', 'auto');
            ga('send', 'pageview');

        <!-- header -->
        <header id='home'>
            <div id='logo'>
                <img src='images/logo-1000.png'>

        <!-- More HTML Code ... -->


CSS Styles:

/* ==============================        CSS Styles for JC Web and Graphic        ============================== */
    This is the intellectual property of JC Web and Graphic. All Rights Reserved.

/* Specific CSS styles listed here... */

Answer №1

Your presentation slides are set in absolute positions, but the containing div must have a relative position to prevent the slides from moving out of place. All you need to do is add "position: relative;" to your #slider

  width: 100%;
  background-color: #cccccc;
  position: relative;

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