What is causing the image to move to the following line?

(https://i.stack.imgur.com/5oi7s.png) The image appears to be shifting to the next line inexplicably. I have experimented with various methods to address this issue, including utilizing the built-in Image component which seemed to show improvement. However, using that component introduced other complications, but that's a different discussion. Provided below is the relevant source code. (https://i.stack.imgur.com/GSAbb.png)

My goal is to display both the image and text on the same line.

Answer №1

To align the child div vertically within the parent div, add display: flex to the parent div and use margin: auto on the child div.

function Products({ name, price, category, id, image }) {
  let size = 100;
  return (
    <div className="py-5 pl-2 m-5 bg-blue-200 d-flex rounded-xl ">
      <div className="my-auto">{name}</div>
      <div className="my-auto">
        <img src={"/api/images/" + image} width={size} height={size} alt={name} />

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