What could be causing issues with my CSS/HTML on Internet Explorer, including version 9?

Utilizing modernizer and html5boilerplate's CSS, I have encountered challenges in designing and debugging for Internet Explorer. It seems that my reliance on FireBug has hindered my progress. Can someone please review my work-in-progress at and provide feedback?

The layout appears distorted in IE (even version 9)


This is how it should be displayed in Firefox/Chrome


Answer №1

An interesting tidbit: To ensure proper styling in Internet Explorer, it's important to place the modernizr script inside the head tag. Many websites have already adopted this practice while declaring their pages as HTML5.

Answer №2

Internet Explorer does not have the capability to support selectors like: a:link::before (which you are utilizing in your menus).

Furthermore, <section>, <article>? We're talking HTML5 here. Internet Explorer is not going to be able to handle this at all (maybe version 9 down the line, but definitely not versions 6, 7, or 8 unless they incorporate chromeframe!)

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