Replace the css variables provided by the Angular library with custom ones

Having an angular library with a defined set of css variables for colors applied to components, which are globally set like this:

:root {
    -color-1: #000000;
    -color-2: #ffffff;

In my application utilizing this library, I need to override some of these css variables in a similar global manner. For instance, in styles.scss:

:root {
    -color-1: #111111;
    -color-2: #cccccc;

Unfortunately, the css variables from the library take precedence over those from my app, as my app's styles are imported externally through <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">, while the library styles are internally included using <style> tags in the <head> section.

Adding !important to the css variables in my app resolves the issue, but I am seeking a better alternative as using !important is not ideal.

Answer №1

If you're looking to override CSS variables from an Angular library without resorting to using !important, one effective method is to leverage CSS specificity.

  1. Enclose your application within a designated container with a unique class or ID
  2. Employ this container to heighten the specificity of your CSS selectors

Consider something along these lines:

<div class="my-app">
  <!-- your code-->
.my-app {
  --color-1: #111111;
  --color-2: #cccccc;

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