Having trouble updating the styles on my vuejs-datepicker

I am attempting to customize the appearance of a vuejs-datepicker component from https://www.npmjs.com/package/vuejs-datepicker

   name="my_date" />

Although I have specified a width rule in my styles, my datepicker does not seem to adjust its width as expected

.my_calendar {
  width: 100px !important;

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Alternatively, is there another plugin available for implementing a datepicker in vuejs?

Appreciate any help!

Answer №1

Dealing with a similar issue, I found that the default CSS doesn't work when it's scoped. To style Vuejs date picker and time picker, follow these steps:

  1. Replace "class" with "input-class='--your--class--name--here'"
  2. After your scoped style tag, add another style tag that is not scoped


         input-class ="my-picker-class"
         placeholder="Start Date"
            border: none !important;
            border-bottom: 1px solid #F26F31 !important;

` 3. In this example, I used the class name .my-picker-class for styling. Make sure to include "!important" at the end of each styling rule.

Answer №2

Experiment with using the /deep/ selector to manipulate parent CSS properties:

/deep/ .classSelector { New CSS property }

Answer №3

Consider incorporating module style for a better look. Specifically, apply styles to the calendar-class. Implement it as shown below:

    <datepicker :class="$style.input" inputClass="input" />

    <style module>
      input {
         width: 100%;
         cursor: default;

Reminder: I encountered a similar problem with the input class and this solution worked well for me.

Answer №4

Passing CSS for a Vue.js datepicker can be done through props. There are three props available: wrapper-class, input-class, and calendar-class. For instance,

<datepicker input-class="rounded w-1/2" calendar-class="rounded"></datepicker>

Please note: Tailwindcss classes are being utilized in this example.

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