Having trouble grasping the concept of padding in CSS when using percentage values

Is it silly of me to ask this question? I haven't found a satisfactory answer anywhere, so I'll ask anyway.

I'm working on creating a responsive webpage where I need to set the padding of a div named content that contains another div called text. This content div is inside a container element with predefined height, width, and position: relative properties. The issue arises when I set padding: 45% 45%; - it works fine for width but overflows the parent container in terms of height.

box-sizing: border-box;
  position: relative;
  border: 1px;
height: 100px;
width: 600px;
  margin:0 auto;

    background-color: skyblue;
    padding: 43% 43%;

#textlogo {
font-size: 4em;
<div class="container">
  <div class="content">
  <div id="textlogo">Text</div> 
</div> </div>

Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies within the box-sizing property,

To resolve this, try adjusting the box-sizing: padding-box, which allows the browser to calculate the total width of the element including the padding, eliminating any overlap. Additionally, your current padding may be set too high, contributing to the problem.

Keep in mind that the overflow is likely due to the large size specified in font-size: 4em. This oversized font will cause the content div to expand in order to accommodate it, particularly the #textlogo content.

Answer №2

It is advised to limit the use of the padding property in CSS, dating all the way back to Internet Explorer 4 where the margin property functioned correctly.

Instead of applying padding to the parent element, consider using margin on the child element. Using padding on the parent will automatically affect all child elements. To apply margin to all child elements selectively, utilize the #parent > div selector and then individually adjust secondary margins for specific elements.

Using padding is recommended if there are no child elements present or if you encounter rendering bugs in engines or standards (e.g., when implied "logic" is employed instead of direct logic).

While the box-sizing property is widely supported now, taking shortcuts like this may hinder a true grasp of CSS fundamentals as originally intended.

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