What could be the reason for my user input not being captured and saved as variable data on the HTML webpage?

Here is the code I am working with:

var g = document.getElementById("al").value;

function start() {
  document.getElementById("test2").innerHTML = typeof(g) + parseFloat(g);
<p id="test2">Output will be displayed here:</p>
  <label for="g">a:</label>
  <input type="number" id="al" name="g" placeholder="Enter a" value="55">
  <button onclick="start()" type="button">Click Here</button>

When I click the button, the output shows "string55", regardless of user input. How can I correct this to display the actual user input instead of static value 55?

Answer №1

To retrieve the value from a function, you must access it within the function:

function start() {
  var g = document.getElementById("al").value;
  document.getElementById("test2").innerHTML = typeof(g) + parseFloat(g);
<p id="test2">Output is displayed here:</p>
  <label for="g">a:</label>
  <input type="number" id="al" name="g" placeholder="Enter a" value="55">
  <button onclick="start()" type="button">Click Here</button>

Note: Using inline HTML on* handlers is considered poor programming practice. It can be difficult to debug. JavaScript should ideally be in one centralized location. Instead, consider using Element.addEventListener().

const elBtn = document.querySelector("#start");
const elTest = document.querySelector("#test2");
const elG = document.querySelector("[name=g]");

const printGValue = () => {
  const g = elG.value;
  elTest.textContent = typeof(g) + parseFloat(g);

// Execute on click
elBtn.addEventListener("click", printGValue);
// Also execute on initialization:
  <label>a: <input type="number" name="g" placeholder="Enter a" value="55"></label>
  <button id="start" type="button">Click Here</button>

<p id="test2"></p>

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