Include a scroll bar for menu items that contain submenus, while ensuring that the submenu items remain visible

Looking for a way to add a scrollbar to the courses menu list due to its excessive length (refer to the image below). The fixed top navbar prevents scrolling, making it necessary to implement a scrollbar within the menu itself.

After applying the following CSS:

.navbar .navbar-inner .usermenu .dropdown {
   overflow-y: auto; /* or : scroll */

An issue arises where the course modules are no longer visible (for example, Orientation Module in the provided image). This is likely due to nesting the sub-submenu within the ul that has overflow-y:auto property. How can this problem be resolved while still allowing the course submenu items to remain visible? Solutions using CSS, jQuery, or any other method are welcome.

The HTML and CSS code is quite complex as it is Moodle-generated. A simplified version of the structure includes:

<ul class='nav'>
   <li class='dropdown'>
       <ul class='dropdown-menu'>
          <li class='dropdown-submenu courses'>
              <ul class='dropdown-menu'>
                 <li class='dropdown-submenu courses'>
                     <ul class='dropdown-menu'>
                         <li class='dropdown-submenu course-submenu'>

EDIT: Although there is extensive CSS contributing to this issue, a snippet is provided below:

.navbar .navbar-inner .usermenu .dropdown ul.dropdown-menu {
  border: none;
  background: #2d2e2e;
  padding: 0px;
  border-radius: 0px;
  max-height: none !important;

.navbar .navbar-inner .usermenu .dropdown{
  overflow-y: auto !important;

Answer №1

To limit the height of the unordered list to a specific number of pixels, add a maximum height value and use overflow-y: scroll;.

Answer №2

This solution may not provide the best user interface and experience. However, one option could be to enclose the entire sub-navigation in a container with a maximum height less than what is visible in the browser window, and add overflow scrolling. This way, the navigation will all be contained within this element and a scroll bar will appear for easy access to additional items by simply using the mouse wheel. It is worth considering a cleaner solution such as a mega menu style for better usability.

Answer №3

This awesome jquery solution helped me resolve my issue. If you're facing similar problems, check it out:

Although it wasn't exactly what I was originally looking for, this solution turned out to be more elegant than using a scrollbar and avoided the nested menu problem altogether.

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