Having trouble getting the hover effect to work when selecting a different section of the SVG

In my SVG checkbox design, I have a circle element surrounding a polyline element (which acts as the checkmark). The boundaries of the icon extend beyond the circle, causing hover styles to trigger even when hovering outside the circle. I want to change styles only when hovering over the circle itself, but I need both the circle and polyline to change on hover. I am using styled-components.

I have tried various methods to make the polyline change when the circle is hovered over.

Initially, I attempted:

& circle:hover circle, & circle:hover polyline { }

and similar variations. Eventually, I converted the circle and polyline elements into styled components for easier manipulation. Following a solution from this post, I tried this approach:

const Circle = styled.circle``;
const Polyline = styled.polyline``;

const Icon = styled.svg`
  width: 52px;
  height: 52px;

  & ${Circle}, ${Polyline} {
    fill: #fff;
    stroke: ${props => props.logged ? colors.secondary200 : colors.secondary400};

  & ${Circle}:hover {
    stroke: ${colors.secondary400};
    fill: ${colors.secondary400};

  & ${Circle}:hover ${Polyline} {
    stroke: #fff;
    fill: ${colors.secondary400};

However, the polyline still does not change when hovering over the circle. I also tried nesting:

  & ${Circle}:hover {
    stroke: ${colors.secondary400};
    fill: ${colors.secondary400};

    & ${Polyline} {
      stroke: #fff;
      fill: ${colors.secondary400};

None of these solutions seem to be effective. How should I properly select the polyline element?

EDIT: Upon reviewing the styled-components documentation, I realized it might be more appropriate to handle the styling within the Polyline component. Therefore, I tried the following:

const Polyline = styled.polyline`
  pointer-events: none;
  fill: #fff;
  stroke: ${props => props.logged ? colors.secondary200 : colors.secondary400};

  ${Circle}:hover & {
    stroke: #fff;
    fill: ${colors.secondary400};

Despite this attempt, the desired effect is still not achieved. However, strangely enough, ${Icon}:hover & { } works for some reason. I cannot use it because the Icon's boundaries exceed the circle, though. I am puzzled as to why the Polyline responds to hovering over the Icon but not the Circle. While the Circle clearly receives a hover event since its own hover styles apply, it seems that the Polyline ignores it.

View the JSFiddle here

Answer №1

Check out the solution provided: https://jsfiddle.net/x9j7ku8o/3/

An essential part is demonstrated here:

const Circle = styled.circle`
  &:hover+${Polyline} {
    stroke: #fff;
    fill: #21ccbf;

The issue arose from using the descendant combinator (indicated by a space between Circle and Polyline in the css selector), despite the fact that Polyline is not actually a descendant of Circle.

Polyline and Circle are siblings, so it is necessary to utilize one of the sibling combinators: either the adjacent sibling combinator or the general sibling combinator. The adjacent combinator was chosen, as Polyline and Circle are adjacent.

Crucial to remember the order: I incorporated the combinator &:hover+${Polyline} in Circle due to the placement of Circle before Polylines in your provided example's html structure.

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