Adjust the baseline of the text within the <li> element by moving it 2 pixels upwards

My webpage menu is set up with inline lis within a ul. Each li has a colored border and contains an a element. I want to change the color of the text inside the a element and move it 2 pixels up when hovering over it without affecting the li border. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

To maintain the markup integrity, adjust the padding by reducing the top padding slightly and increasing the bottom padding.

For a demonstration of this technique, take a look at the example I have prepared on the fiddle here

The HTML structure is as follows:

  <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>

The corresponding CSS code is shown below:

ul { width: 200px; margin: 20px; }
li { border-top: 2px #000 solid; padding: 5px; }

li a { padding: 5px; display: inline-block; }
li:hover a { padding: 3px 5px 7px 5px ; }

Answer №2

To implement this effect in your CSS file, follow these steps:

a:hover.jump {
            color: [Your chosen color];
            position: relative;
            bottom: 2px;

Next, assign the "jump" class to your link element:

<li><a href="" class="jump">Click Here</a></li>

You are free to customize the hover effect with additional styles such as background colors. For more examples and ideas, visit the informative website CSS Ninja

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