Tips for changing font styles using Polymer

I'm new to working with Polymer.js and CSS. My goal is to have text in todo.item display normally when todo.done is false, and with a line-through style when todo.done is true.

I'm considering using CSS for this task, but I'm unsure how to implement an if/else logic in CSS. The current code applies the line-through style to all items. Is CSS the best approach for this situation, or should I consider another method?

        <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{ticket.todos}}" as="todo">
              text-decoration: line-through;
          <li><span class="todo-item" done="{{todo.done}}"> {{todo.item}}</span></li>

Answer №1

If you're looking for a straightforward CSS solution, here's one that should do the trick (not specific to polymer but compatible with it).


  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    span[done] {
      text-decoration: line-through;

  <span done>Done</span>
  <span>Not done</span>


Important: Make sure to bind "done" as done$={{item.done}}. Attribute binding in Polymer is done with $=.

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