Having trouble adjusting the width of a Material-UI modal in React?

I'm having trouble adjusting the width of the dialog box to show all of the content without adding a horizontal scroll bar. I noticed that the blur effect is applied to most of the page, so why isn't the form extending with it? Any assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Below is my CSS code:

infoModal: {
    backdropFilter: "blur(3px)",
    width: "90%"
  modalBody: {
    width: 1000,
    display: 'flex', 
    flexDirection: 'column',

<Dialog onClose={handleClose} open={open} className={classes.infoModal} fullWidth>
        <DialogContent className={classes.modalBody}>

Answer №1

If you want to customize the appearance of the dialog box in your website, you'll need to override the CSS rule names classes (refer to its API page at https://material-ui.com/api/dialog/).

Remember to pass the classes created to the classes props instead of using className.

const useDialogStyles = makeStyles({
    paper: {
        width: '800px'

export function Component() {

    const dialogClasses = useDialogStyles();

    return (
        <Dialog classes={dialogClasses} open={true}>


For testing purposes, check out this sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/change-dialog-width-vux95

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