Having trouble adjusting the font color and font style of the text in a hamburger menu

I'm currently working on customizing the text displayed on my hamburger menu. Below are the codes I've tried to adjust the text and font-family of the hamburger menu, but it seems like these changes only affect the color of the icon, not the actual dropdown text.

.menu-text {
  color: #1E90FF !important;
  font-family: Georgia;

.nav-bar ul {
  color: #1E90FF !important;
  font-family: Georgia;

Answer №1

This is my first time delving into the world of Materialize, and after taking a quick peek at their dropdown menu source code, I noticed that they have assigned colors to the children of the unordered list elements like this:

.dropdown-content li>a, .dropdown-content li>span {
   /* insert your custom styles here */

Due to the high level of specificity in their selector, any color definitions you try to apply will likely be overridden for the text components.

I suggest using your browser's inspection tool to analyze the element further and determine the most effective way to override their default styles.

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