Obtain the precise X and Y coordinates of a <li> element regardless of where the mouse is clicked using Typescript

I'm stuck and could really use some assistance!

Hey there, I have a simple question but I seem to be missing a crucial element.

Here's my fiddle where I can detect the clicked item but that's as far as I've gotten:


This is the JavaScript code snippet I'm using:

function getEventTarget(e) {
  e = e || window.event;
  return e.target || e.srcElement;

var ul = document.getElementsByClassName('commentlist')[0];
ul.onclick = function(event) {
  var target = getEventTarget(event);

This is the HTML structure in my application:

  <ul class='commentlist'>
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>

Here's the Stackoverflow post that inspired me to work on this:

Get Clicked <li> from <ul onclick>

What I am aiming for is to determine the central value of the mouse position when it is clicked.

In the image below, you'll see the word "ACCEPTED". When I click on that, I only require the leftmost X/Y position of the li element.


Each record may contain multiple comments and the clickable area will always be at the word "ACCEPTED". Please note: "Accepted" is just placeholder text and could vary.

I want to find the MIDPOINT of each li element. The starting point for where I want my modal to appear is: transform: translate(40px, 120px); The next li is exactly 125px down the Y-axis, and so forth for subsequent lis.

Considering different viewport sizes like laptops, desktops, large monitors, etc., how can I accurately pinpoint the EXACT location (specifically, dead center) based on the fixed height of the li elements? Let's assume all li elements are 100px high; thus, 50px would be the DEAD CENTER.

Unfortunately, I am unable to modify the existing code and must rely solely on the event passed into my .ts file:

public setModalLocation(xpos: any, ypos: any): void {

  console.log("This X:", xpos);
  console.log("This Y:", ypos);

  //base modal location for first comment(x40,y120)
  const ul = document.getElementsByClassName('commentlist')[0] as HTMLElement;

  let srcEl;
  let tarEl;
  let e = window.event;
  srcEl = e.srcElement;
  tarEl = e.target;

  console.log("Target: ", tarEl);
  console.log("SrcElement: ", srcEl);

  //The xpos and ypos should be x=40 and y=120 for the first comment. Each comment is 125px lower on the y-axis.

  //Need to move the modal with the scroll Y of the mousewheel.
  //FIXME: THIS IS A STUB and cannot be used for all... this just gets me to the FIRST <li> in the list of comments.
  if (xpos !== "50") {
    xpos = "50";
  if (ypos !== "120") {
    ypos = "120";

  this.css.outerWrapper.transform.newxy = "translate(" + xpos + "px" + ", " + ypos + "px)";
  this.theMovingModal.style.transform = this.css.outerWrapper.transform.newxy;


Answer №1

I have implemented some modifications and included additional code to accomplish your request.

function getEventTarget(e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    return e.target || e.srcElement;

var ul = document.getElementsByClassName('commentlist')[0];
ul.onclick = function(event) {
    var target = getEventTarget(event);
    var elemPos = getOffset(target);
    alert(target.innerHTML + " ::: " + elemPos.top + " : " + elemPos.left);

function getOffset(el) {
    var _x = 0;
    var _y = 0;
    while (el && !isNaN(el.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(el.offsetTop)) {
        _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
        _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
        el = el.offsetParent;
    return {
        top: _y,
        left: _x

The getOffset function determines the top and left position of an element.

Experience it yourself at jsfiddle.net/h3vcjsr7

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