Determine the number of visible li elements using jQuery

Currently, I am utilizing a jQuery script to count the number of li elements in my HTML code. Here is an example of the setup:


<ul class="relatedelements">
   <li style="display:none;" class="1">anything</li>
   <li style="display:none;" class="2">anything</li>
   <li style="display:none;" class="3">anything</li>


    $(function() {
        var numrelated=$('.relatedelements > li').length;

The current output of this script is: 3

Sometimes, I modify the style="display: none" property of certain li elements using jQuery within $(document).ready. For instance, I may execute $('.2').show();.

Now, I am looking to adjust the script so that it only counts the visible li elements by adding :visible as specified in the jQuery documentation:

    $(function() {
        var numrelated=$('.relatedelements > li:visible').length;

The updated script currently outputs: nothing

I am uncertain why this modification isn't producing the desired result. If anyone has any suggestions or insights, I would greatly appreciate the assistance. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

works perfectly for my project

    var numItems = $('.related-elements > li:visible').length;

Check out the JsFiddle Link :

Answer №2

Everything is functioning correctly in this instance: (1 displayed element) (0 displayed elements)

It's worth noting that utilizing numbers as class identifiers is considered unlawful. (W3C Regulation, bullet 2) Class names are required to commence with a letter. It's plausible that manipulating this could be causing complications?

Aside from that, I can only speculate that the issue lies elsewhere. Have you ensured you are utilizing the most up-to-date version of jQuery? (Although during my evaluations, it performs well even on versions dating back to 1.3, after which it ceases working entirely)

Is it possible that you have misspelled "displayed" in your actual code? (I've made this mistake in the past)

Answer №3

Items are considered hidden if they or their parent elements do not occupy any space in the document. This is determined by layout, not CSS visibility.


<ul class="relatedelements">
   <li class="1 hidden">anything</li>
   <li class="2 hidden">anything</li>
   <li class="3 hidden">anything</li>
   <li class="4">anything</li>
    <li class="5">anything</li>
    <li class="6">anything</li>
    <li class="7 hidden">anything</li>

<div class="num-relatedelements"></div>


.hidden {
    display: none;


$(function() {  
   var numRelated = $('.relatedelements > li:not(.hidden)').length;

I have created a jsfiddle for your reference:

Answer №4

This is how it functions:

$(function() {
    var visibleItems=$('.relatedelements > li:visible').length;

For a demonstration of this in action, click here.

Answer №6

Indeed, just as others have mentioned, it functions properly even after displaying the element in document.ready:

Answer №7

The reason your script is not returning anything is because all DIV's are currently hidden. It will only return a value of 1 when a specific element is shown.

Answer №8

I experimented with this approach and it appears to be effective, as I am receiving a result of '1'.

$(function() {

    var numConnections=$('.connectedElements > li:visible').length;

Note: I believe using numerical values for attributes may not adhere to proper markup guidelines.

Answer №9

To start, create a div, span, or paragraph in the desired location to show the count. Next, add a ul element with li items.

 $('#ul-alerts li').length);

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