Applying CSS classes to a custom AngularJS directive: A step-by-step guide

Need to have a CSS class called tab for the nav HTML element, which will be used as a directive:

<nav tab></nav>

The expected interpretation is:

<nav class="tab">

Everything works almost as expected except for the issue where I cannot set the CSS class on the top <nav> element. One solution could be using ng-class explicitly, but that doesn't seem ideal.

I've heard about the .addClass() option but it's not working at all:

tab.directive('tab', function($compile) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            templateUrl: 'nav-tab.html',
            controller: function($http, $scope) {
                    .success(function(data) {
                        $scope.tabs = data;
                    }).error(function() {
            controllerAs: 'tab',
            link: function(element, scope) {

How can I add the CSS class to the top directive element without explicitly specifying it directly in the element?

Answer №1

You need to adjust the sequence in your link function

Instead of

link: function(element, scope) {

Update it to

link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

After making this change, you will be able to use element.addClass since the jQLite api includes the method .addClass.

Answer №2

If you want to make a change, consider updating your directive to target an "element" (use 'E' instead of 'A' for attribute)


tab.directive('tab', function($compile) {
return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: 'nav-tab.html'...

Then, ensure you include the appropriate class within your nav-tab.html template:

<nav class="tab">

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