Utilizing the power of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to seamlessly transfer selected items from one webpage to the shopping cart displayed on another page

Due to limitations on using back-end code, I'm seeking advice on how to implement this function. Most tutorials I've come across show the items and shopping cart on the same page. I've heard suggestions about using Jquery.load(), but I'm unsure about the process

Any assistance would be greatly valued! Thank you

Answer №1

Utilizing the LocalStorage feature would be my approach.


When on the item page:

var cartItems = localStorage.getItem('cartItems');


localStorage.setItem('cartItems', cartItems);

Subsequently, on the cart page:

var cartItems = localStorage.getItem('cartItems');
//Implement necessary actions with the cart contents.

For a more efficient application design, particularly in the context of developing a storefront application, collaborating with the server-side team to incorporate a server-side session feature to store cart contents would likely be a more optimal solution.

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