Guide to expanding the sidebar width

As I delve into the world of CSS, I find myself puzzled by the issue of expanding the sidebar to ensure that the "Gestion des utilisateurs" section appears on a single line.

To provide context, I have included an illustrative example created through Stackblitz which might aid in understanding the problem better.


Below is the HTML/Angular code snippet:

<div class="sidebar" [class.sidebar-close]="!openSidebar">

Additionally, here is the corresponding CSS code:

.home-section {

/* Sidebar */

.limit {
  font-weight: normal;

If you could spare some time to lend me your expertise, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

It seems that the necessary adjustments to increase would be in the following declarations. The positioning of .home-section depends on the width of .sidebar

.home-section {
  left: 270px;

.sidebar {
  width: 270px;

.sidebar .nav-links {
  width: 270px;

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