Utilizing the "::first-letter" pseudo element selector in conjunction with the MuiButton class in Material UI - What is the process?

Is it possible to change the text case of Button text inside Material UI Button to sentence case with CSS?


The text inside the button - ADD FRIEND should be transformed to sentence case as Add friend.

I attempted to override the theme, however, it did not target the element in this manner. Please advise if achieving this is feasible.

 components: {
  MuiButton: {
    styleOverrides: {
      root: {
        '&::first-letter': {
          textTransform: 'uppercase',

Answer №1

One method I use is to add the following code to makeStyles within the page or component:

  parentOfButton: {
    '& .MuiButton-root': {
      textTransform: 'none',
<Box className={classes.parentOfButton}>


I also experimented with achieving the same effect in createTheme, and found success using this method:

  components: {
    MuiButton: {
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          textTransform: 'none',

Answer №2

Unfortunately, the button element does not support pseudo-elements like ::first-letter.

A workaround that I have found effective is to wrap the text in a Typography component, which does have support for this CSS pseudo-class.

            "&::first-letter": {
                textTransform: "capitalize",

Answer №3

In order to capitalize the first letter of text using styles, I had to enclose the text in a specific tag. Here is an example:

  .button {
    & > *::first-letter {
      text-transform: uppercase;

  <Button className={s.button}>
    <p>some text</p>

Answer №4

Using 'inherit' for text-transform should help resolve the problem

MuiButton: {
  styleOverrides: {
    root: {
      textTransform: 'inherit',

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