Guide to choosing the directory for Visual Studio's compilation of LESS files

I currently use VS 2012 on my Windows 7. It seems that by default, it compiles LESS files to CSS in the same directory as the LESS file when I save.

However, I would prefer to have all my CSS files saved in a "css" directory located next to the "less" directory. On my Mac, I previously used CodeKit, where you could easily select an output path. I haven't been able to find a way to do this in VS.

What I need is:


So my LESS files will be in "/less" and the compiled CSS will go to "/css"

Answer №1

When collaborating in a team, it's ideal for everyone to have the same CSS output folder without making individual adjustments to their Web Essentials settings. The most efficient way to achieve this is by setting up your configuration per Visual Studio Solution.

  1. To create solution settings in Visual Studio, navigate to WEB ESSENTIALS > Create solution settings:

  2. Upon doing this, a new folder and file will be generated within your solution:

    Open the created file WebEssentials-Settings.json and modify the OutputDirectory property under Less to the desired folder path:

This method should streamline the process for everyone involved.

Answer №2

Did you attempt to navigate to the TOOLS > OPTIONS > WEB ESSENTIALS > LESS section and configure a personalized output folder?

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