Implementing a password toggle feature on a form that extends Django's default Authentication Form

Incorporating a password toggle feature has become quite the challenge as I extend Django's AuthenticationForm to create my UserLoginForm. Attempting to implement this feature has proven difficult, especially since I have been unable to make use of the 'data-toggle' attribute within my form. Despite referencing examples like this, it seems that directly toggling functionality through the "id" of the element is not an option given my current setup. Utilizing Bootstrap5 further adds to the complexity. How can I successfully introduce password toggle functionality in light of these constraints?

Answer №1

class ClientLoginForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = UserLogin
        fields = ['username','pass']
        labels = {
            "username": "*Enter Username",
            "pass": "*Enter Password"
        widgets = {
            "username":  TextInput(attrs={'placeholder':'eg: JohnDoe','autocomplete': 'off'}), 
            "pass": PasswordInput(attrs={'placeholder':'********','autocomplete': 'off','data-toggle': 'password'}),

Give it a shot!

Answer №2

To enable the mentioned functionality, you can utilize a useful library that needs to be imported. Here is the link to access this library:

<label>{{ form.password.label}}<span class="text-muted mb-4">
    <small class="form-text text-muted mb-4 small">
           Ensure a password of at least 8 characters with 1 digit
    {% render_field form.password id="pwd" %}

If you wish to include the script, retrieve the ID from here: id="pwd"

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