Guide on showing the D3 Color legend in a horizontal orientation instead of a vertical one

I'm currently in the process of creating a color legend using d3, and I've managed to display it vertically. However, I would like it to be shown horizontally instead. Below is a snippet of the code I've been working on along with a link to the corresponding jsfiddle.

    var svg =
    .attr("height", (legendheight) + "px")
    .attr("width", (legendwidth) + "px")
    .style("position", "absolute")
    .style("left", "0px")
    .style("top", "0px")

    .attr("transform", "translate(" + (legendwidth - margin.left - margin.right + 3) + "," + ( + ")")

Here's an example of what I'm aiming for:

For further information, you can also check out the fiddle link provided below:

Answer №1

Learn how to perform a 90-degree rotation using CSS or JavaScript with this technique

Ideal for working with canvas and SVG elements

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