Formatting issue with selecting checkboxes in Primefaces DataTable filter menu

I decided to replicate the Primeface showcase for filters on my Local JBoss installation by referring to the link provided below: However, I encountered an issue where my selectCheckboxMenu for colors did not display correctly.

Currently using Primefaces 5.0, I am wondering how I can make it match the demo shown on PF Showcase site?


Even after switching to PF 5.1.RC1, the problem persists.

I also attempted to adjust the width of the p:selectCheckboxMenu similar to the demo but experienced the following outcome:

Answer №1

The issue arose from including the below code snippet in my personalized CSS file, causing a conflict with Primefaces.css

label {
    float: left;
    text-align: left;
    margin-right: 0.5em;
    display: block

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