jQuery Function malfunctioning after initial click

I have developed a function that plays and pauses music. It is designed to be simple and lightweight for small audio samples, with basic play and stop functionalities. The issue I'm encountering is that after playing the music for the second time, the classes are not switching correctly for pausing.

Below is the jQuery code snippet:

var isPlaying = false;
function playMusic(){
    var audioElement = document.createElement('audio');
    var audioElementSrc = $(this).attr('data-audio-src');               

    if (isPlaying != true)
        isPlaying = true;
        audioElement.setAttribute('src', audioElementSrc);
        audioElement.addEventListener("loadeddata", function(){
        }, true);
        audioElement.addEventListener("ended", function() {
            isPlaying = false;    
        $('.pause').click(function() {
            isPlaying = false
        return false;


You can view the jsfiddle Here which showcases the issue - when you click on stop and then try to play again, the classes do not switch as expected.

Answer №1

You have definitely made things more complicated by using plain JavaScript functions and replacing the audio element every time the play button is clicked.

Try incorporating more jQuery into your code and storing the audio element - it will make things much simpler

$(function (e) {
    $('.play').click(function() {
        var self = $(this).toggleClass('pause play');

        if (!this.audio) {
            this.audio = $('<audio />', {src : self.data('audio-src')}).on({
                loadeddata : function() {
                ended : function() {
                    self.toggleClass('pause play');
            this.audio[this.audio.paused ? 'play' : 'pause']();


Answer №2

Upon reviewing the play code, I came across the following:

$('.pause').click(function() {
  isPlaying = false

The issue here is that this code is changing an element with the class .pause, which ends up overriding the function it's contained in! Additionally, the main if statement appears as follows:

if (isPlaying != true)
// Play code here           
return false;

What you actually need is:

    if (isPlaying != true)
    // Play code here           
    // Pause code here

With these changes implemented, your new code will be structured like so:

 var isPlaying = false;
            function playTune(){
                    var audioTrack = document.createElement('audio');
                    var trackSource = $(this).attr('data-track-source');               

                    if (isPlaying != true)
                        isPlaying = true;
                        audioTrack.setAttribute('src', trackSource);
                        audioTrack.addEventListener("loadeddata", function(){
                        }, true);
                         audioTrack.addEventListener("ended", function() {
                         isPlaying = false;    
                        isPlaying = false


Answer №3

Avoid placing the code snippet within this section as it may cause issues. Instead, consider adding the pause function at the beginning only once using a delegate like this:

$(".songPlayer").delegate('.pause','click', function());

The issue arises from attaching the event on pause multiple times, leading to it being called repeatedly with each click.

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