Tips for creating responsive designs with specific media queries for various device sizes

I am looking to create a responsive website using media queries and have already created different media queries for mobile, tablets, and desktops.

However, I am unsure if I should be writing the same CSS code multiple times for various device sizes, such as 320px and 640px.

I am feeling confused about whether this is the correct approach to writing media queries, as it seems repetitive to write the same CSS code for each device size.

I need assistance in understanding how to proceed further with media queries, especially since I am new to them. Additionally, I am unsure whether to go for an adaptive layout or a responsive layout.

I want to express my gratitude for all the helpful responses provided by everyone. My company has assigned me a task where I am required to design a responsive webpage without using any frameworks, solely relying on media queries.

Answer №1

If you have any uncertainties, this could provide some clarity. Utilizing this framework can simplify your tasks significantly.

I trust this will be beneficial to you.

Answer №2

When utilizing media queries in your code, you are essentially instructing it to respond differently based on the size of the viewport. For example, if the width exceeds a certain size (320px, 240em, etc.), then apply a specific piece of code.

Alternatively, if the viewport is larger than the previous size, then another set of code should be applied. This process continues with subsequent @media queries.

There are two main approaches to using media queries: designing with a focus on mobile devices first (highly recommended) or adopting a different strategy.

This method involves initially creating code for small screens and progressively incorporating media queries for larger devices such as phablets, tablets, desktops, and widescreen monitors.

The benefit of this approach is that it helps prioritize important content on the page while eliminating unnecessary clutter. By starting with the smallest screen size, you are forced to condense essential information into a compact layout.

Explore more about the mobile-first technique

@media (min-width: 320px) {
 nav li {
  display: inline-block;

Answer №3

Embracing the concept of media queries and utilizing cascading style sheets is a way to enhance your design gradually.

Start with a focus on mobile design, then incorporate media queries for larger viewport sizes as needed.

In each query, adjust styles specific to that viewport size to ensure optimal display.

Avoid redundant work by refraining from rewriting all styles repeatedly.

For inspiration, explore popular frameworks such as Bootstrap, HTML Boilerplate, or Foundation.

Answer №4

To ensure uniformity in design across desktop and large wide monitors, you can implement the following CSS code:

@media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) and (max-device-width: 2048px) { 
    /* STYLES HERE */

By using this code snippet, you can maintain consistency in design without having to duplicate or rewrite it for each screen size.

Answer №5

Here is an example that can help clarify how media queries work:

1) When you set - min-device-width:320PX; as the last breakpoint for your design, anything below that width will not work properly.
2) If you specify - max-width:420px;, this code will apply up to 420px only; any styles defined beyond this breakpoint will not be effective.

Basic breakpoints:
- 320px: Mobile size
- 480px: Mobile size
- 640px: Mobile size
- 768px: High-end phones
- 1024px: Pad
- Any remaining widths are typically desktop sizes

@media only screen 
  and (min-device-width: 320px) 
  and (max-device-width: 480px)
  and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {


I hope this explanation helps clarify how media queries function.

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