Focusing on a specific div element

I need help selecting the initial div block that contains the word "Target".

<div class="box-content">

I attempted; div div:nth-child(1)  {

and div div:first-child {

However, this removes the wrapping div of "Unwanted" as well. Is there a way to only target the initial one that wraps "Target"

Answer №1

If you wish to target only the immediate children, you can use this CSS selector: > div > div:first-child {

Your initial code selects any div:first-child that has a parent div, which is an ancestor of both your Target and Unwanted elements. This means it's not limited to just your desired Target.

The revised code utilizes the > selector, specifying that the styling for div:first-child should apply only when it is a direct child of a div, which is also a direct child of

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