Mobile devices cause CSS drop shadows to malfunction | Next.js

Update: After some testing, I discovered that this issue is specific to iPhones. When I tested it with an android device, everything worked perfectly fine. However, when I tried viewing the page on two different iPhones, it broke on both.

This problem seems to be related to mobile devices, as when I resize my browser window to mimic a mobile screen, everything appears normal. But when I actually view the site on my mobile device, the drop shadow effect "breaks" at random spots. Zooming in and out causes these breaks to move around.

The current CSS effect in use is:

filter: drop-shadow(20px 10px 4px #707070);

Answer №1

Upon delving deeper into the issue, I discovered that it was not isolated to my website alone. Interestingly, upon visiting the Mozilla MDN Docs on a recent iPhone device, the same effect could be observed when zoomed in. Following the suggestion from the documentation, I have decided to address this by posting it as an issue on Github. Here is how the drop shadow effect appeared on my mobile phone while viewing the Firefox Logo.

In accordance with a helpful comment, making the switch to a simpler box-shadow resolved the problem, albeit resulting in more defined edges and a slightly less faded appearance (using identical parameters). This adjustment does not negatively impact the project at hand, and I am aware of CSS features that can further enhance this aspect, so everything is under control!

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