Troubleshooting: Dealing with overflow problem in a span element containing an image tag

One issue I encountered involves overflow. A div is set to overflow: hidden, with all elements inside positioned absolutely. These elements consist of a span tag containing text and an image tag. An arrow allows control of the span tag moving forwards or backward within the div. Everything seems to be functioning properly until the span tag is moved towards the end of the div, causing part of it to extend outside the div. This results in the image within the span tag being word-wrapped to a new row instead of staying on the same line as the text.

Does anyone have insights into why this behavior occurs? It works fine when the span tag is fully contained within the div.

Answer №1

In order to avoid text breaking onto a new line, you can apply the following CSS rule:

elementstyle {

Next, to have an image appear alongside the text, use this CSS:

elementstyle img {

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