Flashing issues when utilizing the Jquery ui slider within an Angular 2 component

I recently incorporated a jquery-ui slider plugin into an angular 2 component and it's been working well overall, but I have encountered an annoying issue. Whenever the slider is used, there is a flickering effect on the screen. Interestingly, when I tried using the standard HTML5 slider instead, there was no flicker and the transition was smooth. However, the HTML5 slider only supports one handle whereas the jquery-ui slider supports two handles. How can I eliminate this flickering effect? I need help in identifying the root cause of this problem. I have created a detailed example here with additional comments.

export class RangeSlider implements OnInit {

@Input() value: any;
@Output() sliderChanged= new EventEmitter();

elementRef: ElementRef;
constructor(elementRef: ElementRef) {
    this.elementRef = elementRef;
ngOnInit() {
    let that = this;
    let gradeLabels = ["K", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11","12"];
        range: true,
       min: 0,
       max: gradeLabels.length-1,
        values: [0, 12],
        slide: function (event, ui) {
          let min = ui.values[0]
         let max = ui.values[1];
          min = (min == 0) ? "K" : min;
          let grade = (min == max) ? min : min + '-' + max;
    }).slider("pips", {
       rest: "label",

Answer №1

It seems like the issue lies in how you are handling the reference to activitiesArray within your sliderChanged() function. By replacing this reference each time the function is called, the async pipe ends up unsubscribing from the old data and subscribing to the new one, resulting in a brief period where no data is displayed. This effect would be more noticeable if you were working with HTTP requests.

To address this problem, I have made some modifications to your code in this [plunk](https://plnkr.co/edit/LCw9Agn30ECdR1SuvoEN?p=preview) to prevent repetitive setting of activitiesArray and ensure a more reactive approach. It would be ideal to observe the output directly from the jQuery slider instead of triggering an event callback that pushes data to a subject.

Here are the changes made to src/app.component.ts:

htmlSlider = new Control();
jqSlider$ = new Subject();

constructor(private _activityService: ActivityService) {
    let searchTerm$ = this.term.valueChanges
    let activityList$ = this._activityService.getActivityList();
    let searchedActivities$ = activityList$.combineLatest(searchTerm$, this.searchFilter);
    let jqSliderFiltered$ = searchedActivities$.combineLatest(this.jqSlider$.startWith(undefined), this.sliderSearch);
    let htmlSlider$ = this.htmlSlider.valueChanges.startWith(undefined);
    let htmlSliderFiltered$ = jqSliderFiltered$.combineLatest(htmlSlider$, this.gradePipe);
    this.activitiesArray = htmlSliderFiltered$;

searchFilter(activityList: Activity[], term: string): Activity[] {
    return activityList.filter(item => item.description.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase()));

sliderSearch(activityList: Activity[], term: string): Activity[] {
    if(!term) return activityList;
    return activityList.filter(item => item.grade == term);

gradePipe(activityList, minGrade) {
  if (!minGrade) return activityList;
  return activityList.filter(activity => parseInt(activity.grade.split("-")[0]) >= +minGrade);

sliderChanged(grade: any) {

Changes made to activitymain.html:

<input type="range" min="0" max="12" [ngFormControl]="htmlSlider" />

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