I wonder which Material Design repository is the source of this library

I am attempting to replicate the CSS style used in this particular Material Design-inspired web application:


After exploring Materialize CSS and MUI, I have not been able to pinpoint the exact framework responsible for this design. The abundance of Material Design libraries available is quite overwhelming, making it challenging to identify the specific one used here.

If anyone with more experience could offer insight on which Material Design CSS framework might have produced the elegant layout shown above, or if achieving this look solely through CSS is feasible, it would be greatly appreciated.

The icon itself is simplistic and complies with Material Design standards, but the grid-like card layout within an iframe view presents a unique challenge. Scrolling through these cards within the confines of the screen, each card highlights in a distinct teal color when hovered over.

Evaluating the MUI panel only yielded partial success:


The code snippet for this implementation appears as follows:

class LocationList extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {

  renderLocation() {
    return this.props.locations.map(location => {
      return (
        <div className="mui-panel" key={location.id}>
          <div className="">
            <div className="">
              <MaterialIcon icon="airplanemode_active" />

  render() {
    return <div className="">{this.renderLocation()}</div>;

Alternatively, any insights you can provide on identifying the CSS framework utilized would be immensely helpful.

Thank you for your time and assistance in guiding me through this process.

Answer №1

To replicate the layout of the panels you mentioned, simply utilize a grid system to align them side by side. The variations in fonts, placement, border width, color, and hover effects can easily be achieved using CSS. It appears that there may not be a specific framework associated with those panels. With a bit of effort, you should be able to recreate the design elements yourself. Check the page source for any hints of a framework, or search for unique class names that could provide more insight.

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