Finding the "img" id using jQuery

Here is the code snippet I am working with:

<div id="popupContactIMG_4179" class="xxxx">
    <a id="popupContactCloseIMG_4179">x</a>
    <img alt="" src="../IMG_4179.jpg" id="id1">

I am trying to retrieve the img id that is nested inside the <a> element when the <a> element is clicked:

    var imgId = $(this+" img").attr("id");

Can anyone provide assistance with this issue?

Answer №1

To make things simpler, you can achieve this by using the next method (since the img is the element that comes right after):

    var qwerty = $(this).next().attr("id");

Alternatively, if you prefer to do it the way you were trying, you can pass the parent of this as the context for jQuery:

    var qwerty = $("img", $(this).parent()).attr("id");

Answer №2

Here is a possible solution:

 var abc123 = $(this).siblings("img").first().attr("id");

Answer №3

In the event that your <img> tag doesn't have an ID, consider utilizing the following code snippet:

   var qwerty =;

This method will only function correctly if you are certain that the <img> tag immediately follows the <a> tag.

If there is no guarantee of this sequence, resort to using jQuery like so:

   var qwerty = $(this).next('img').attr('id');

Answer №4

Consider the following solution:

    var qwerty = $("img", $(this).parent()).attr("id");

It appears that you are expecting the img to be enclosed within the a element - however, this does not seem to be the case. Could this be a mistake?

Furthermore, the img element lacks an id attribute. Is this also an oversight on your part?

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