Exploring High-Density Mobile Devices with Bootstrap 3 Landscape Mode

After completing my first Bootstrap site using version 3, I noticed a display issue when viewing it on an iPhone 5 or LG G2 in landscape mode due to the pixel density. This was not a problem with the Responsive Grid system I previously used.

Although I spent time yesterday learning about media queries, I am still new to them. If I were to implement a media query specifically for the iPhone 5, which default classes in the CSS would need modification to ensure the page stays wide in landscape mode?

The Responsive Grid system did not rely on pixels in the CSS, and I don't recall experiencing this issue before. Would it be necessary to make significant changes to the Bootstrap CSS to address this problem?

Answer №1

To ensure proper display on mobile devices, it is important to adjust the viewport scale. For example:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

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