I am having trouble with my scroll reveal effects on JavaScript, how can I troubleshoot and fix the issue?

I'm currently making updates to my portfolio website, but for some reason, the scroll reveal animation has suddenly stopped working. I made a few edits and now it seems to be broken.

const sr = ScrollReveal({
  origin: 'top',
  distance: '80px',
  duration: 2000,
  reset: true

sr.reveal('.home__title', {});
sr.reveal('.button', {
  delay: 200
sr.reveal('.button1') {
delay: 300
sr.reveal('.button3') {
delay: 400
sr.reveal('.home__social-icon', {
  interval: 200

sr.reveal('.about__img', {});
sr.reveal('.about__subtitle', {
  delay: 400
sr.reveal('.about__text', {
  delay: 400

sr.reveal('.skills__subtitle', {});
sr.reveal('.skills__text', {});
sr.reveal('.skills__data', {
  interval: 200
sr.reveal('.skills__img', {
  delay: 600

sr.reveal('.work__img', {
  interval: 200

sr.reveal('.social__input', {
  interval: 200
<link href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="4c2e2334252f23223f0c7e627c6279">[email protected]</a>/css/boxicons.min.css' rel='stylesheet'>

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Answer №1

The configuration of buttons button1 and button3 in lines 14,17 of your javascript code contains a syntax error. You can correct this issue by removing those lines and replacing them with the following:

sr.reveal('.button1',{delay: 300});
sr.reveal('.button3',{delay: 400});

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