"Develop a mobile application using PhoneGap designed specifically for use on iPad and

Looking to create an app for iPad and iPad Mini using PhoneGap. While I have some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, I am struggling with adjusting the image proportion, width, and height of the app.

I want to write code that will adapt properly to the varying heights and widths of the iPad Mini. Any resources or guidance for beginners would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

Regardless of whether you are using iPad (1 and 2), iPad retina (3 and 4) or iPad mini, they all share the same logical pixels when it comes to CSS. This means that you don't need to concern yourself with physical pixels, as your app will appear consistent across all iPads. However, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with RWD (Responsive Web Design), as it can be beneficial if you plan on transitioning your iPad app to an Android platform.

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