Is there a way to repurpose a function to work with both ids and classes?

My current code is affecting all elements instead of just the intended one. I've experimented with classes and ids, ruling out those as potential issues.

I'm hoping for my JavaScript to target only the selected element, not all of them. Check out a demo here.


<div class="mainPageDiv">
    <div class="dashBoardContainer">
        <div class="dbContainer1 column">
            <div class="flip">
                <div class=" card">
                    <div class="face front">
                        <div class=" portlet   ">
                            <div class="portlet-header"> <span class="red text-uppercase"> edit button works</span>

                                <div class="dropdown pull-right "> <span class="pull-right ">
                            <span class=""  id="edit-changes"><a href="#" > Edit <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil pull-right flipLink" > </span> 
                                    <hr class="hrflipForm">
                                <!-- portlet-content -->
                            <div class="portlet-content lastViewedArticle ">
                            <!-- portlet-header -->
                        <!-- portlet- -->
                    <!-- moveOnchange-->
                    <div class="face back">
                        <div class="inner">
                            <div class="portlet">
                                <div class="flipForm">
                                    <ul class="list-inline pull-right ">
                                        <li class="flipControl" id="save-changes"> <span class="pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk gi-1x opacity7 "></span>

                                <!-- Header Closed -->
                                <div class="portlet-content lastViewedArticle ">
                                <!--- Portlet content -->
            <!-- dbContainer1 -->
        <div class="dbContainer2 column">
            <div class="flip">
                <div class=" card">
                    <div class="face front'>
                        <div class=" portlet   ">
                            <div class="portlet-header"> <span class="red text-uppercase">  edit button doesn't works</span>

                                <div class="dropdown pull-right "> <span class="pull-right ">
                            <span class=""  id="edit-changes"><a href="#" > Edit <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil pull-right flipLink" > </span> 
                                <!-- portlet-content -->
                            <div class="portlet-content lastViewedArticle ">
                            <!-- portlet-header -->
                        <!-- portlet- -->
                    <!-- moveOnchange-->
                    <div class="face back">
                        <div class="inner">
                            <div class="portlet">
                                <div class="flipForm">
                                    <ul class="list-inline pull-right">
                                        <li class="flipControl" id="save-changes"> <span class="pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk gi-1x opacity7"></span>

                                <!-- Header Closed -->
                                <div class="portlet-content lastViewedArticle ">
                                <!--- Portlet content -->
            <!-- dbContainer2 -->


$('#edit-changes').on('click', function () {
    $('.back').css('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
    $('.front').css('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');

$('#save-changes').on('click', function () {
    $('.front').css('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
    $('.back').css('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');

$(function () {
        connectWith: ".column",
        handle: ".portlet-header",
        cancel: ".portlet-toggle",
        placeholder: "portlet-placeholder ui-corner-all"

        .addClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all")
        .addClass("ui-widget-header ui-corner-all");

    $(".portlet-toggle").click(function () {
        var icon = $(this);
        icon.toggleClass("ui-icon-minusthick ui-icon-plusthick");

Answer №1

It is important to avoid using the same id's for multiple elements on a single page and instead utilize the class attribute, as you have mentioned.

To access the element that has been clicked, you can use:

var element = $(this)

For more information on these keywords in events like this, take a look at this resource.

Your current process involves finding all elements with the classes 'back' and 'front' and then applying transformations to them.

If you need an element close to the clicked one, you can use the function foo.closest('.back'), which will return the closest element specified by the selector.

Answer №2

After some investigation, I managed to come up with the solution:

I made a slight adjustment to the code as follows:

  $('.edit-changes').on('click', function () {

      $(this).closest('.flip').find('.back').css('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
      $(this).closest('.flip').find('.front').css('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');

  $('.save-changes').on('click', function () {
      $(this).closest('.flip').find('.front').css('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
      $(this).closest('.flip').find('.back').css('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');

Before, the code looked like this:

  $('.edit-changes').on('click', function () {

      $('.back').css('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
      $('.front').css('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');

  $('.save-changes').on('click', function () {
      $('.front').css('transform', 'rotateY(0deg)');
      $('.back').css('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)');

The key was to identify and target the closest parent of the elements we need to manipulate.

Check out the working demo here

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