`Ensuring uniform height for card titles`

So here's the scenario I'm dealing with:

There seems to be an issue with alignment in the dark blue boxes when they are displayed in a flex container. The top box is not aligned properly with the one next to it. How can this problem be resolved? I want the upper container to always align correctly with its neighboring components, and there may be more than two components next to each other.

Flex container (using Material UI Grid component)

   <Grid container>
         {resultField.fields?.map((blockField, index) => {
              return (
                   <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
                        <DarkValueBox label={blockField.label} value={blockField.value} />

DarkValueBox Component

export const DarkValueBox = ({ label, value, index }) => {
  const classes = useStyles();

  return (
    <Box sx={{ borderRadius: 5 }}>
          backgroundColor: "#0A7BB1",
          color: "#fff",
          px: 2,
          py: 3,
          borderRight: "1px solid #fff",
        <Typography fontWeight={600} variant="subtitle1">
      <Box sx={{ px: 2, py: 2, border: "1px solid lightgrey" }}>
        <Typography variant="subtitle1">

For reference, you can view the recreated problem on CodeSandbox:


Answer №1

If you prefer to avoid cutting labels in order to display as much information to the user as possible, one approach would be to ensure that the blue box always takes the height of the tallest container in the row.

To achieve this, you can add a wrapper class to the container DarkValueBox with the following specifications:

wrapper: {
  height: "100%",
  display: "flex",
  flexDirection: "column"

Next, set your box class to take up 100% height:

box: {
 backgroundColor: "darkblue",
 border: "1px solid grey",
 color: "white",
 wordBreak: "break-word", // by the way: it's `break-word`, not `word-break`
 height: "100%"

That's all there is to it! You can see it in action here: https://codesandbox.io/s/add-material-ui-forked-24zg7?file=/src/index.js

Answer №2

While exploring your Sandbox, I opted to provide guidance rather than writing the code directly.

You've initialized a Grid using Material UI, which is akin to a FlexBox container.

The absence of size or width declarations for the box or its inner containers is noticeable.

Upon specifying the grid size and wrap direction for the outer 'main' container, you can then define sizes for the internal containers, your label boxes.

This adjustment will properly align them.

To prevent excessive text from overflowing the component and instead display '...', utilize the 'textOverflow' property.

Explore more about Material UI Grid - https://mui.com/components/grid/

Learn how to implement text overflow with ellipsis in ReactJS and IE: CSS: text-overflow: ellipsis with reactJS and IE

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