Enhancing the layout of an ASP.NET master page with an HTML table that extends beyond the

My ASP.NET (VB) master page contains a table with 9 columns, each intended to hold textboxes. However, even without textboxes, the cells are extending beyond the content margins. How can I adjust them to fit within the master page margins? If they still do not fit, is there a way to make the content area scrollable without affecting the entire page?

Answer №1

To control the width and overflow of a table using CSS attributes, you can use the width and overflow properties. If the table is an ASP.Net control table, your code would look like this:

<style type='text/css'>
    table.mytable {
        width: 100%;
        overflow-x: scroll;

<asp:Table CssClass="mytable">
    <%-- table stuff  --%>

If it's a regular HTML table, you should use the following code:

<table style="width: 100%; overflow-x: scroll">
    <!-- table stuff -->

Answer №2

My solution was to utilize the asp.net Panel control, which conveniently incorporated scroll functionality on the table's edges and bottom.

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