What CSS selector should I apply to create a circular profile image for Buddypress users?

In my current WordPress project, I am utilizing the BuddyPress, WooCommerce, and WC Vendors plugins for enhanced functionality.

To personalize each vendor's product listings, I decided to display their BuddyPress profile picture alongside their products. To achieve this, I added a snippet of code to my functions.php file:

function change_wcvendors_cart_sold_by_meta_template( $meta_html, $product_id, $vendor_id ) {
    // Code implementation here

The implementation was successful, as now the user's BP profile image is displayed next to their username under the "sold by" text.

However, I wanted to further customize the profile image by making it round using CSS. Despite attempting to apply border-radius properties in the custom CSS section, I couldn't achieve the desired effect.

.profile-image {
    /* CSS styling example */

If anyone could provide guidance on selecting the correct selector for styling the BP profile image, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Answer №1

To give your images a round shape, you can utilize the CSS property called border-radius. I have discovered a JSFiddle example for you to check out.


Update: Below is the sample code based on your initial question:

function customize_rounded_images( $image_html, $img_id ) {
    if( ! $img_id ) {
        return $image_html;

    $rounded_img  = '<img src="' . wp_get_attachment_image_url( $img_id ) . '" class="circular-image" alt="Circular Image">';
    return $rounded_img;

CSS Styles:

 border-radius: 50%;

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