Aligning the right menu of Ant Design from the Layout component

How can I align the menu to the right in antd?

Please Note: The image has been edited using Photoshop and is not real.

I attempted to declare a className = "Menu" and set .Menu {align-items: right;} but it didn't work. Here is the code snippet I used:

      onBreakpoint={(broken) => { console.log(broken); }}
      onCollapse={(collapsed, type) => { console.log(collapsed, type); }}
      <div className="logo" />
      <Menu theme="dark" mode="inline" defaultSelectedKeys={['4']}>
        <Menu.Item key="1">
          <Icon type="user" />
          <span className="nav-text">nav 1</span>
        <Menu.Item key="2">
          <Icon type="video-camera" />
          <span className="nav-text">nav 2</span>
        <Menu.Item key="3">
          <Icon type="upload" />
          <span className="nav-text">nav 3</span>
        <Menu.Item key="4">
          <Icon type="user" />
          <span className="nav-text">nav 4</span>
      <Header style={{ background: '#fff', padding: 0 }} />
      <Content style={{ margin: '24px 16px 0' }}>
        <div style={{ padding: 24, background: '#fff', minHeight: 360 }}>
      <Footer style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
        Ant Design ©2018 Created by Ant UED

I also tried adding the align= "right" attribute to

<Menu theme="dark" mode="inline" defaultSelectedKeys={['4']}>
, but it still didn't align correctly.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to solve this issue, please let me know.

Answer №1

Hello @mostafa, I recommend checking out the layout section of the documentation:

In the example provided, the Sider component is positioned to the right by placing it after the Content component:

    <Sider>left sidebar</Sider>
    <Content>main content</Content>
    <Sider>right sidebar</Sider>

It might be beneficial to make some modifications to the code structure.

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