Contrasting box-shadow behavior observed in Chrome versus Firefox

I'm working on a project and aiming to achieve this design:

To test it out, I created a sample page with the following code:

p {
  display: inline;
  background-color: yellow;
  box-shadow: 10px 0px 0px red, -10px 0px 0px red;
<!DOCTYPE html>



  <p>Here will be a text. Here will be a text... (text content continues)



Upon testing, I noticed that the appearance varies between Chrome and Firefox. While Chrome's version looks fine to me, I'm not satisfied with how it displays in Firefox.



Is there a way to make the design look consistent across both browsers? I'm open to any solution that doesn't necessarily involve using the box-shadow property.

Answer №1

Have you considered using box-decoration-break:clone for your needs?

p {
  display: inline;
  background-color: yellow;
  box-shadow: 10px 0px 0px red, -10px 0px 0px red;
  box-decoration-break: clone;
<!DOCTYPE html>



  <p>This is where your text will go. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut diam vel libero vestibulum facilisis commodo auctor velit. Proin tincidunt scelerisque nisl eget varius.</p>



Answer №2

Addressing your query, I am sharing this solution -

Presenting a creative fix for you by utilizing :after to achieve the desired outcome as demonstrated in your image.

p {
  display: inline;
  background-color: yellow;
<!DOCTYPE html>


<div class="p-wrapper">
  <p>Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here.
    Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here.Your text goes here. Your text goes here.
    Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here.Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here.
    Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here.</p>



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