"Enhanced interactivity: Hover effects and selection states on an image map

Hello there, I need assistance with my code. Here it is:

<img id="body_image" usemap="#body_map" src="assets/images/body.jpg" alt="">

<map name="body_map">
   <area shape="poly" alt="d" href="#body_chart" name="ad" coords="153, 153, 145, 164, 150, 175, 163, 165, 163, 157" />

I would like to add hover and selected states for the map area. Additionally, I am looking to create more areas with the ability to select multiple areas at once.

Could you please assist me by providing the complete code for the hover and selected state?

Answer №1

Check out the JQuery version below:

$(document).ready(function() {
    if($('#location-map')) {
        $('#location-map area').each(function() {
            var id = $(this).attr('id');
            $(this).mouseover(function() {


            $(this).mouseout(function() {
                var id = $(this).attr('id');


I hope this code is helpful for your project! :)

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