Automatic Addition of Row Numbers Enabled

I'm currently exploring coding and experimenting with creating a scorekeeper for family games. I've managed to add rows dynamically and automatically sum up the entered information in the "total" row at the bottom. However, I'm facing an issue with numbering the rows automatically starting from the second row. You can view my code progress so far on this jsfiddlelink.


var gameRounds = [1, 2];

$(document).on("keyup", ".add", function() {
    var sum = 0;
        sum += +$(this).val();

var newRound = $('#newRound');{
     "<td class='round'></td>",
     "<td class='p1'><input class='add' id='r1' type='number' name='r1'></td>",


table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;

table {
width: 15%;

.p1 {
background: lightblue;

.round {
width: 3em;
margin: auto;
text-align: center;
<script src=""></script>
<table class="update">
    <th class="round">Round</th>
    <th class="p1">player1</th>
  <tr class="r1">
    <td class="round"></td>
    <td class="p1">
      <input class="add" id="r1" type="number" name="r1"></td>
    <td class="round"></td>
    <td class="p1">
      <input class="add" id="r2" type="number" name="r2">
  <tfoot class="totals">
    <td class="round">total</td>
    <td class="p1">
      <span id="sum"></span>


<div class="btnStyle">
  <button id="newRound">New Round</button> 

The button and calculator may not work on jsfiddle, but they function perfectly fine in Sublime Text and CodePen.

Answer №1

Check out this sample solution:

To implement it, create a new JavaScript function:

function numberRows() {
  var rowNum = 1;
  $('.row').each(function(index) {

Call this function once the document is ready and whenever you add a new row.

View the comprehensive example here:

Answer №2

Great effort!

Prior to delving into the code, it's important to note that your JSFiddle wasn't functioning because you forgot to include the jQuery resource.

As for your code, instead of using an array to keep track of rows, consider simplifying by integrating row numbers directly into the existing HTML structure. This will streamline the process and eliminate the need for excessive data storage.

For example:

<tr class="r1">
    <td class="round">1</td>
    <td class="p1">
      <input class="add" id="r1" type="number" name="r1"></td>

To implement this, begin by adding row numbers to the current HTML content. Then, adjust your click function to increment the row count with each addition. Finally, update the table column with the new count.{

    //Update number of rounds

        "<td class='round'>"+ numGameRounds +"</td>",
        "<td class='p1'><input class='add' id='r1' type='number' name='r1'></td>",



Check out the updated code here!

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