Enhance the aesthetics of placeholder text in Semantic UI React using CSS styling

Currently, I am utilizing Semantic UI dropdowns within my React application to generate drop-down menus similar to the ones showcased in their documentation found here:

The initial text displayed is "Select Friend", and it appears with a semi-transparent style. My objective is to customize the appearance of this component so that the default text is no longer transparent.

Answer №1

Let me start by clarifying that the default text is not actually semi-transparent.

If you look at the CSS property for the default text in semantic.min.css, it appears as shown below.

.ui.default.dropdown:not(.button)>.text, .ui.dropdown:not(.button)>.default.text {
    color: rgba(191,191,191,.87);

To change this default text color, you can use the following code in your custom CSS file.

.ui.default.dropdown:not(.button)>.text, .ui.dropdown:not(.button)>.default.text {
    color: rgba(0,0,0,.87) !important;

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