Encountering issues with custom.css.scss not being properly overridden in Rails while using Bootstrap

My Configuration

I made modifications to the .col-lg-4 class in Bootstrap for Rails and added them to my custom.css.scss file after the import statements to remove padding completely.

The Issue at Hand

I am trying to override the styling of .embed-responsive video in the bootstrap CSS by removing the width property and setting padding to zero. While I found a temporary solution by manually importing a bootstrap file, I prefer to utilize the capabilities of the bootstrap sass gem to achieve this.

Unfortunately, the properties are not being overridden in the Custom.css.scss file despite my efforts.

Inconsistent Behavior (Custom.css.scss)

The challenge lies in the fact that when I import Bootstrap-sprockets & Bootstrap, it appears to disregard my custom CSS, preventing me from implementing the desired changes mentioned above.

@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";


.col-lg-4 {
    padding: 50px !important;
.embed-responsive .embed-responsive-item,.embed-responsive   embed,.embed-responsive iframe,.embed-responsive object,.embed-responsive video{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;height:100%;border:0}


 *= require_tree .
 *= require_self

I have attempted to use rake assets:clean as well.

UPDATE: Through experimentation, I discovered that providing a custom bootstrap CSS file and not importing bootstrap in Custom.css.scss resolves the issue.

Nevertheless, I would like to find a solution using the bootstrap sass gem if feasible. Is there a way to rectify the current setup?

Answer №1

Have you tried simply overriding the variable $grid-gutter-width in the variables section?

My typical setup involves manually including individual CSS files to control hierarchy, rather than using require:

 * require_tree .
 * require_self

@import "bootstrap_variables";
@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";

// Bootstrap components
@import "navbar";
@import "forms";

// App components
@import "orders";
  1. To customize Bootstrap variables (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass/blob/master/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss), I make sure to include them before anything else to check for overrides.

  2. To override specific Bootstrap components, I include them separately in their own CSS files.

  3. For application-specific styles, categorized by model/view, I create a separate CSS file.

While it may be basic, this approach often proves effective for most situations.

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