Employing Bootstrap, incorporate a vertical divider in the center to split three icons on the left and three icons on the right, all while ensuring the design remains responsive

I have been struggling with a layout issue for the past couple of days and I am in need of assistance from someone who can help me. Unfortunately, I am unable to upload an image here as I am new and do not yet have enough reputation points.

The Layout Structure:

Section 1
First row: Centered heading Second row: 6 icons spread out across the width of the page, each with a short description below

Section 2
First row: Two headings separated by a white vertical line in the middle of the page Second row: 6 icons spread out across the width of the page, divided into 3 for each heading with a vertical line separating them

I was able to get the first section working using CSS classes like container-fluid, row, col-sm-2 in Twitter-Bootstrap. However, I am facing difficulties implementing the border-right white line and dividing the icons into two sections in the second row.

The code snippet used for the first section is provided below:

<div class="container-fluid">
    <h5 class="text-center">HEADER 1</h5>
    <ul class="row">
      <li class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2">
        <img src="img/1.png" alt="icon1">
        <p class="text-center">2-word description</p>


  </div><!-- /.container-fluid -->

I am now seeking help on how to include a white vertical line between the two headers and split the icons accordingly in the second section.

The code snippet for the second section is also included below:

<div class="section2">
    <div class="left container-fluid">
    </div><!-- /.left .container-fluid -->

    <div class="right container-fluid">

    </div><!-- /.right .container-fluid -->
  </div><!-- /.section2 -->

Your assistance in resolving this issue would be highly appreciated!

Thank you!

New Question:

Hello! I have another query that I need help with. While working on @mediaqueries and resizing the screen, I noticed that the icons and their descriptions are not perfectly centered. The descriptions appear slightly to the right of the respective icons. I have tried using text-center class in Bootstrap and applying margin: 0 auto in CSS without success. Can you guide me in identifying what might be causing this misalignment?

I appreciate your help in advance!

Answer №1

Before proceeding, think of .section2 as a row, with two children called header1 and header2. Add class="row" to this div and apply class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" to each header block.

Now, consider each header block as an individual row, consisting of 3 images with descriptions. Repeat the same steps as before.

The use of .container-fluid, .left, and .right is no longer necessary because the parent .row and its children's .col-* classes will take care of these for you.

Update: I apologize for not addressing the issue of the blank space in the middle. This is caused by the default styling of <ul>, but can be fixed by adding ul { padding-left: 0;}.

For reference, check out this example fiddle.

Answer №2

Divide your second segment into two primary rows, each of which includes additional rows for the titles and corresponding symbols. Apply a border-right to the first row.

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