"Effortless CSS Formatting in VS Code - A Guide to Automatic Styling

Recently started using VS code and I'm on the lookout for a solution to automatically format CSS whenever I save my work. Strangely, my searches haven't led me to any reliable extensions or clear guides on how to achieve auto formatting in VS code.

While HTML gets formatted as soon as I save it, I want to apply the same process to CSS files.

Ideally, I am looking for something similar to "Beautify" that is available for Atom.

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by using the prettier code formatter plugin in Visual Studio Code. To enable automatic formatting on save for all languages, you can simply add the following line to your user settings json file (remember to reload VSCode after making changes):

"editor.formatOnSave": true,   

If you only want to enable format on save for a specific language, you can specify it like this:

"[css]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true

Answer №2

"[css][scss][less]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.css-language-features"

The JSON configuration provided seems to be specific to Visual Studio Code (VSCode) settings for formatting CSS, SCSS, and LESS code. This setup selects the default formatter for these languages as "vscode.css-language-features."

Essentially, this configuration dictates the following:

"editor.defaultFormatter": With this option in VSCode, you can designate the standard code formatter for a particular language or file type.

"vscode.css-language-features": By choosing this value, you are indicating your preference for utilizing the native CSS features of VSCode as the primary formatter for CSS, SCSS, and LESS files.

In simpler terms, when handling CSS, SCSS, or LESS files within VSCode, the platform will automatically apply its built-in formatter for these languages by default.

To tailor your development environment according to your liking, you have the flexibility to adjust or include settings in your settings.json file within VSCode. This specific configuration is advantageous if you favor using the internal VSCode formatter for CSS-related languages.

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